Wednesday, 25 September 2013


This summer I spent working as an arts and crafts counsellor at camps Baco and Che-na-wah deep in the adirondack mountains, in Minerva, New York, USA. I worked at Baco for boys and spent everyday day working with a fantastic ceramic artist, Shlomit Flexer {link to come!!} and with the most amazing kids. I met the most amazing people on this incredible journey and have learnt so much! I'd done lots of ceramic work day to day, it was fun to get my sculpture side of me an improvement and learn so much. The first pic is a plaque i had painted for a waiter-camper as an award (big tradition) in honour of four people at camp who had unfortunately lost their lives ten years ago. Travelling so far from home to spend another summer in this fantastic country truly was incredible, it gave me the opportunity to go to New York City once again, see some anticipated places such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and the beautiful San Diego. One inspirational part of my trip was visiting the Walt Disney museum and seeing the Tyrus Wong exhibition. His work is just amazing. I will post some of the random little things  from my adventure and some random ceramics I have made over summer and hopefully continue to update my blog more frequently with my animation work as I progress into my second year next week, it's good to be back Bournemouth (PS stop raining)



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